DINA Elektronik GmbH
Sichere Teigverarbeitung mit DIOSNA
DINA Elektronik GmbH

Safe dough processing with DIOSNA

all about automation Friedrichshafen 25

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Sichere Teigverarbeitung mit DIOSNA
DINA Elektronik GmbH

Safe dough processing with DIOSNA



Safe dough processing with DIOSNA

How can you make one of the fastest dough processing machines on the market safe? DIOSNA Dierks & Söhne GmbH turned to DINA with this question.

Anyone who regularly prepares dough knows the challenges: Kneading can be tedious and take a lot of time. However, with the W 401 A spiral kneader from DIOSNA, this is a thing of the past. With a capacity of up to 400 kg of dough and fast and gentle kneading, this machine is an excellent choice for dough processing. However, even this bakery machine, harbours certain safety risks that must be minimised.

The first step is to determine the central danger points of the machine by means of a risk analysis. In the case of the spiral mixer, the main danger comes from the fast-rotating dough hooks, which can cause injuries if not handled properly. In order to keep the risk for the operator as low as possible, DIOSNA has made design changes to the machine. For example, the head of the machine has been lowered down to the vat trolley, making it impossible to come into contact with the dough hooks while the machine is in operation. On top of that, the control panel is equipped with an emergency stop button.

However, these measures do not prevent the dough hooks from continuing to rotate shortly after the machine has been switched off. So there is a risk that the operator lifts the kneading head shortly after switching off the machine and comes into contact with the still rotating dough hooks. To minimise this risk, DIOSNA has opted for the sensorless DN3PS2 standstill module from DINA Elektronik. The module measures the electromagnetic force when the motor runs down and only switches when the value falls below the previously parameterised switching wave. The module is parameterised quickly and easily via the SET button directly on the module. The use of the DN3PS2 is worthwhile for DIOSNA from many points of view: It allows flexible adaptation to different operating modes, no additional measuring system is required, and the sensorless technology makes it possible to do without an external sensor.


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