K. A. Schmersal GmbH & Co. KG

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Schmersal is launching two new versions of its Safety Fieldbox. This means that the box can not only be integrated into systems with PROFINET/PROFIsafe as before, but is now also be available for the EtherNet/IP with CIP Safety and EtherCAT with FSoE bus systems.
The benefit: the designer can now plan the safety functions of a machine in a project regardless of the fieldbus system that is used, as the three versions together cover the most commonly used control systems worldwide.
The Safety Fieldbox from Schmersal enables flexible safety solutions, fail-safe and fast installation and maximum process transparency. It also enables easy connection of up to eight safety switchgear devices with plug and play. Universal device interfaces for eight-pin M12 connectors allow a wide range of different safety switchgear devices to be connected, including electronic and electromechanical solenoid interlocks, sensors, control panels, light curtains and switches.
Unique features of the Safety Fieldbox from Schmersal include the need for just a single M12 slot for solenoid interlocks and safety light curtains and the connection of control panels with EMERGENCY STOP function and up to three non-safe command and signalling devices.
An integrated digital input on each device slot allows the diagnostic signals of all connected safety devices to be evaluated. This means that safety-related and operational signals, such as those required for diagnostic purposes, can be collected and transmitted. The user can use this information to detect irregularities, e.g. a safety guard that has been moved, and enable prompt intervention if service is deemed necessary. This helps to improve system availability and minimise the risk of downtime. Users can also benefit from greatly simplified, and therefore more cost-effective, wiring of safety devices.



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